Customer Relationship Management

Surfgold advises businesses on a course of action that goes beyond mere points or discounts. Our methodology demonstrates strategic, operational and analytical expertise in evolving relationship programs to grow an organisation's biggest asset— its customers.

Countless marketing academicians, statisticians and marketing professionals have hammered in the fact that it costs more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. Clearly, customer loyalty programs are vital for companies to grow their businesses in the face of increasing product parity and intensifying competition. The question, therefore, is not as much about whether customer loyalty programs or not. But more importantly, it is about the form and objectives of such programs. This is where we have proved our worth to highly demanding companies across Asia.

Our customer loyalty solutions start with comprehensive strategy development and go on to end-to-end implementation of all components. Our proprietary technical platform - the Loyalty Engine - allows us to bring in various efficiencies in terms of cost, time and reach.